Below is a sampling of research projects that have been conducted at the facility over the years.
- “SusChEM: Co-firing Biomass and Coal under Pressurized Oxy-fired Combustion Conditions,” U.S. National Science Foundation.
- “Oxycoal Simulation: Experimental Data and Analysis for V/UQ,” U.S Department of Energy, Carbon Capture Multidisciplinary Simulation Center.
- “Hydroprocessing of Fast Pyrolysis Bio-Oils,” Dept. of Transportation Sun Grant w/ Utah State University.
- “NSF Workshop on Combustion,” U.S National Science Foundation.
- “Development of Combustion Tuning Guidelines,” Korea South-East Power (KOSEP) w/ Pusan National University.
- “Characterization of Oxy-combustion Impacts in Existing Coal-Fired Boilers,” U.S. Department of Energy, w/ Reaction Engineering International.
- “Development of Burner Technology for In-situ Oil Shale Processing,” AMSO, LLC
- “Depolymerization of Waste Plastics to Produce Liquid Fuels,” PK Clean Technologies, Inc
- “Char Burnout of Largest Fraction of Pulverized Coal Grinds Under Oxycoal Conditions,” Praxair, Inc
- “IR Camera Diagnostics & V/UQ for Temperature Measurements,” U.S. Department of Energy, Clean and Secure Energy from Coal program, co-PI w/Terry Ring
- “Advanced Diagnostics for Oxycoal Combustion,” U.S. Department of Energy, Utah Clean Coal Program, co-PI w/Terry Ring
- “Bench-Scale Simulation of Underground Thermal Treatment of Coal,” U.S. Department of Energy, Utah Clean Coal Program
- “Oxycoal Single Particle Combustion: Fluidized Beds,” U.S. Department of Energy, Utah Clean Coal Program
- “Pilot-Scale Oxy-Coal Circulating Fluidized Bed Combustion,” U.S. Department of Energy, Utah Clean Coal Program
- “NOx Reduction During Pulverized Coal Combustion Using Various Chemical Agents,” Reaction Engineering International
- “Comparison of Pinion Pine/Juniper Wood Co-Firing in Raw, Torrefied and Pyrolyzed Forms,” U.S. Forest Service/Utah State University
- “Bio-Derived Fuels from the Pyrolysis of Waste Biomass Feedstocks,” WRE Biofuels
- “Emissions from Waste Biomass (Stover) Filter Cake and Syrup,” Detroit Stoker Company
- “Oxy-Coal Combustion using Oxygen Transport Membranes,” U.S. DOE/Praxair, Inc.
- “Experimental Studies on Burner Characteristics, Ash Deposition, Corrosion and Chemistry under Oxycoal Combustion Conditions,” U.S. Department of Energy, w/ Reaction Engineering International, co-PI w/Jost Wendt, JoAnn Lighty
- “Co-Combustion of Biomass/Bio-Derived Oil with Fossil Fuels,” PetroAlgae, LLC
- “Evaluation of a Coal-Drying Process,” Syncoal Solutions, Inc.
- “Oxyfiring of Coal in Entrained-Flow and Fluidized Bed Combustors,” Praxair, Inc.
- “Validation of Simulations for Jet Fuel Pool Fires – Year 6-10,” through the Center for Simulation of Accidental Fires and Explosions (C-SAFE)
- “Development of Fundamental Rate Parameters for Circulating Fluidized Beds,” U.S. Department of Energy, Utah Clean Coal Program
- “Biomass Fuel Characterization in Stoker-Fired Furnaces,” Detroit Stoker Co.
- “Investigation of the Emission Characteristics of Modified Coals”, Headwaters Energy Services, Inc.
- “Activated Carbon Drying & Raw Rice Hull Combustion & Gasification,” Producers Rice Mill, Inc.
- “Detailed Study of Shale Pyrolysis for Oil Production,” U.S. DOE/Utah Heavy Oil Center, co-PI w/Milind Deo
- “Chemical Production from Coal and Oil Shale Using a Retort,” Millennium Synfuels, Inc., co-PI w/JoAnn Lighty, Kevin Whitty, Geoff Silcox
- “Combustion Characteristics of Corn Stover in a Stoker-Fired Furnace”
- “Combustion Characteristics of Suspension-Fired Distiller Grains and Palm Kernels”
- “Emission Characteristics of Catalytically-Modified Pulverized Coal”
- “Pilot-scale Demonstration of Advanced Layered Technology Approach (ALTA) for NOx Control in Coal-Fired Utility Boilers”
- “SO2 Evolution and Capture on Cement Raw Materials”
- “Performance-Enhancing Liquid Additives for Coal-Fired Power Generation”
- “Mercury Evolution from Cement Raw Materials”
- “Multifunctional Fuel Additives for Reduced Jet Fuel Particulate Emissions”
- “Performance of Catalytic Additives for Enhancing Fuel Nitrogen Release”
- “Cofiring Bagasse and Cane Waste in Stoker-fired Boilers”
- “Investigation of Fuel Chemistry and Bed Performance in a Fluidized Bed Black Liquor Steam Reformer”, co-PI with Kevin Whitty
- “Enhanced Coal Reburning Under Oxidizing Conditions”
- “Residual Ash from Coconut Char Sorbent”
- “Oxygen Enhanced Combustion for NOx Control”
- “Flame Stability of Pulverized Petroleum Coke”
- “Catalytic NOx Reduction Using Waste Paint Pigments”
- “Design of Catalyst Slipstream Reactor”
- “Construction and Testing of a Corrosion Management Methodology for Coal-Fired Boilers”
- “Hydrocarbon Emissions from Cement Raw Materials”
- “NOx Control Optimization and Integration to Utility Boilers”
- “Fuel Additives for Reduced Jet Fuel Particulate Emissions”
- “Development and Demonstration of Novel Low NOx Burners for Boilers”
- “Evolution of Nitrogenous Species from Mining Leachate Residues”
- “Conversion and Deposition Behavior of Black Liquor and Biomass during Thermal Conversion, co-PI w/Kevin Whitty
- “Validation of Simulations for Jet Fuel Pool Fires – Years 1-5”, U.S. DOE program through the Center for Simulation of Accidental Fires and Explosions (C-SAFE) at the University of Utah, co-PI with Adel Sarofim
- “Destruction of Biosludge in a Stoker-Fired Furnace”
- “Construction of a Pilot-Scale Stoker Furnace”
- “Methods for the Reduction of NOx Emissions and Unburned Carbon in Ash – Phase II” co-PI with David Pershing
- “Low Emission Boilers Systems (LEBS)” co-PI with David Pershing
- “Minimization of NOx Emissions From Multi-Burner Coal-Fired Boilers” co-PI with David Pershing and Adel Sarofim
- “Fuel-Rich SNCR”
- “Thermal Soil Desorption”
- “Processing and Drying of Biomass Residue for Feedstock to a Dedicated Cogeneration Facility”
- “Kinetics of Sulfur Evolution During Coal Combustion”